
Showing posts from October, 2021

Times Spongebob Characters Were Out of Pocket

       * Alright so maybe the post-Halloween funk has been plaguing my productivity.. However, I'm still determined to get all these posts done tonight (you won't know that by checking the dates though so haha).*       I don't have many opportunities to actually talk about things that are considered unintellectual topics. I mean, a kids cartoon? out of pocket? who cares? Well, I care, and whether you care or not I will force you to at least gain a bit of knowledge on the topic. 1. The Drink Guy from "Pizza Delivery"      This guy really refused an entire pizza just because they "forgot" his drink. Mr. Krabs literally took his order and a drink was never mentioned the entire time so this man is probably lying. This happens all too often in fast food jobs and pretty much any job that requires interaction with other people. You only need one word to describe this man: Karen.  2. "Grandma's Kisses" The whole premise of this episode is Spongebob

Rain & No Productivity

      Hello boys and girls and everyone else. This has been some rainy weekend, huh? I personally love the rain. Not being out in the rain or anything like that, but sitting inside listening to the rain with a candle going, it's very somber and relaxing. The downside however is that it makes me feel extremely unproductive. I just want to sit around all day and essentially do nothing, just laze about and enjoy the experience of listening to the rain.     This year I have decided to do things differently than I have in the past, I used to put academics above everything else, especially my mental and physical health. I have decided that from now on I'm just not gonna do that. I push myself so hard all the time that I don't really know when to stop until I'm completely burnt out, then I have to take a vacation to the grippy sock hotel. I am no longer going to try to be the best because I know I am not. I am not the smartest or the most hardworking or any of that, so why sho

Midterm Season Already?

      Hey everybody how are we doing? Listen, lately my time has been consumed with getting a speech done that I had procrastinated. Okay, well I also took a long time picking my topic. It was really hard to find something that interested me enough that was informative and not controversial in any way. I finally decided to do the history of beekeeping. It ended up being quite an expansive topic.      Why didn't Harvard say anything about how they were making robot bees (Robobees)? I just looked them up right now and.. hm.. They are just little sticks with wings. I don't know what else I expected.. I thought they would look like bees.. I don't know why I thought that. Maybe because of the name Robobee I expected it to look more like a bee, this looks like it would be in some Spykids movie or something.      I learned another really important thing with this project, and that is that I hate giving speeches. My mind instantly blanks the second I walk in front of a crowd and I

"Holy Hell" Guided Reflection

           Alright, I went into this documentary completely blind, and knowing I hated cults, and I left the movie hating cults even more. The scene that is stuck most in my mind was the last video Will recorded of Andreas to show the group. His cold piercing eyes staring directly into my soul, is quite honestly bone-chilling. I saw no soul, not a single thought was going on in that mind. What a complete sociopath. There is no way that man has any empathy for any human beings.      I sat there going in waiting for things to start going wrong. It took around the halfway point for the darkness to start creeping in. This documentary does an amazing job at starting off making this place seem like heaven on earth, but then slowly drags you down into a disturbing hell.      One of the main questions I have are about the "The Knowing" rituals. I wonder why these people felt like they had actually met God. I know Andreas was not really the second coming of  Christ, so why were these

Is This a Good Title?

             When I first jumped into the assignment of writing the personal essay, I wanted to write something exciting and inspiring. Then I soon came to realize how much of a struggle it was to remember and write about it for 4 pages. Now, that isn't to say I've never had a good memory every in my life, I surely do have people and things in my life that I enjoy, but I also wanted to use this assignment as an opportunity to share a bit of myself that I don't normally do, just for the sake of it not really being important to getting to know me.      I always try to be personable with my writing, and I'm happy I was complimented on this blog for my excellent writing, but I don't think I'm as much of a good writer, more-so my brain works differently than others. There are good and bad things to that though. For example, a bad things is that there can oftentimes be miscommunications in my life (like in my personal essay) because I express myself in a way differen