"Holy Hell" Guided Reflection


   Alright, I went into this documentary completely blind, and knowing I hated cults, and I left the movie hating cults even more. The scene that is stuck most in my mind was the last video Will recorded of Andreas to show the group. His cold piercing eyes staring directly into my soul, is quite honestly bone-chilling. I saw no soul, not a single thought was going on in that mind. What a complete sociopath. There is no way that man has any empathy for any human beings. 

    I sat there going in waiting for things to start going wrong. It took around the halfway point for the darkness to start creeping in. This documentary does an amazing job at starting off making this place seem like heaven on earth, but then slowly drags you down into a disturbing hell. 

    One of the main questions I have are about the "The Knowing" rituals. I wonder why these people felt like they had actually met God. I know Andreas was not really the second coming of Christ, so why were these certain people who received "The Knowing" feeling like they were high or like as one girl described "she could feel every atom in her body" for a few days? They all said that they ate, so it was not because they are malnourished. I want to know what they were actually feeling and why they were feeling that way. It's quite confusing and contrasting to the end of the documentary.     

    I was initially quite surprised that after the cult initially split up, some of the people still stayed. I guess after giving yourself to a fraud for so long would make you slightly delusional. I was also really shocked at how devoted these people were to Andreas. They built an entire theater, sold their homes, left their jobs, they had nothing of their own. I guess after you've given yourself up for so long it's hard to remember a life where you thought for yourself. 

    Thinking about the film makes me angry, I have an unfiltered rage towards Andreas and if I ever go to Hawaii and see this man in public I would probably have to stop him into the dirt, where he belongs. What drives people to such desperation that they feel powerless without some guy with too much plastic surgery giving them this power? 

    I believe you aren't supposed to include textual evidence in reflections because they are supposed to be a stream-line thought of your feelings and emotions watching the film. It's all my own interpretation of the work, and this isn't a research paper.

    Even looking up pictures of him to upload on this blog is unsettling, man this guy has such a punchable face, but yeah enjoy this picture of a creep staring into your soul the same way an old dog begs under the table for scraps. What a bad, awful boy.


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