Midterm Season Already?


  Hey everybody how are we doing? Listen, lately my time has been consumed with getting a speech done that I had procrastinated. Okay, well I also took a long time picking my topic. It was really hard to find something that interested me enough that was informative and not controversial in any way. I finally decided to do the history of beekeeping. It ended up being quite an expansive topic. 

    Why didn't Harvard say anything about how they were making robot bees (Robobees)? I just looked them up right now and.. hm.. They are just little sticks with wings. I don't know what else I expected.. I thought they would look like bees.. I don't know why I thought that. Maybe because of the name Robobee I expected it to look more like a bee, this looks like it would be in some Spykids movie or something. 

    I learned another really important thing with this project, and that is that I hate giving speeches. My mind instantly blanks the second I walk in front of a crowd and I always forget what I'm going to say. Still. I can only hope I get at least a semi-decent grade, considering I worked on it for 8 hours total. Hehe, I need a break from writing so much so sorry if this post is shorter than normal, I feel like I always say that lol. 

    One thing motivating me through this semester is that at the very end of the semester I'll get to go to a convention in Chicago. Anyone else going to Con Alt Delete? If so I hope to see you there :P! I'm gonna be going as Kobayashi from Kobayashi's Dragon Maid if anyone has heard of that anime.

    If you want a recommendation from me, I say 'Saiki K' for those who want an anime that makes fun of anime tropes themselves. And One Punch Man for those looking for a comedy/action type of anime. If anyone is looking for a cute slice-of-life type of show then I suggest K-ON. All of these can be found on Netflix by the way :0.

Alright I'm gonna log off now, see yaaaa


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