Is This a Good Title?


     When I first jumped into the assignment of writing the personal essay, I wanted to write something exciting and inspiring. Then I soon came to realize how much of a struggle it was to remember and write about it for 4 pages. Now, that isn't to say I've never had a good memory every in my life, I surely do have people and things in my life that I enjoy, but I also wanted to use this assignment as an opportunity to share a bit of myself that I don't normally do, just for the sake of it not really being important to getting to know me. 

    I always try to be personable with my writing, and I'm happy I was complimented on this blog for my excellent writing, but I don't think I'm as much of a good writer, more-so my brain works differently than others. There are good and bad things to that though. For example, a bad things is that there can oftentimes be miscommunications in my life (like in my personal essay) because I express myself in a way differently than I guess people expect? However, a good thing is that oftentimes I can point out problems that most people would maybe miss, and in turn they do the same for me. 

    I don't understand why self expression is so difficult for some people. I guess I never really cared as much about fitting in, sure I didn't want to be a loser who sat by themselves, but being the "most popular" or fitting in wasn't really on my list of things to do. I tend to follow my own path, which does get me weird looks sometimes but I have to remember that I like what I like gosh darn it and nobody is gonna try and force me to watch these boring doctor tv shows just so I can seem cool and hip.

    I think people are scared to express themselves because it is viewed as childish, but why is being happy viewed as childish? Why do we all have to become boring mundane adults? Why does everyone want to be depressed so bad? I wish we all weren't so afraid of judgement, then it would probably be easier to do the things we enjoy. I hope everyone reading this remembers that it doesn't matter who's gonna look at you, they're never going to have any significance in your life so just do whatever you want they are simply the side characters and you are the main piece so act like it. Alright be safe, wear a mask, wash your hands, and give your pets a big smooch.


  1. Your essay was so powerful, Gabi! I'm proud of you for sharing. You creatively and effectively used many of the conventions of the genre of the Personal Essay. I didn't doubt you would, given that you already have such an engaging style! Nothing childish about using creativity to address depression or any other personal characteristic, mood, or feeling!


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