
Showing posts from September, 2021

It's-A-me, Chris Pratt

                This week has been kind of hard for me. I don't know, life is always hard huh? When is it supposed to get easier? When I'm back in a diaper and can barely remember my own name? Yup, that's when I'll finally be free from the shackles of capitalism.      It has been a long time since I've had this many writing assignments at once, and it can be mildly overwhelming. It's hard to keep track of everything from this personal essay to a couple speeches I have to give. It's a lot of writing for someone who prefers math. I'm very surprised to be considered a good writer, because it feels like I'm never doing any of this right and I'm just winging it.      I do think that all of these writing assignments in such a short amount of time will hopefully speed up my productivity. I take forever to do writing assignments, I just want to make the piece of writing perfect. However, that is nearly impossible, so I don't know why my best isn'

Peace and Quiet

       I am somehow struggling with this personal essay (is that surprising at this point?) For some reason I find it hard to think of what I want to write about.      I'm sorry to stop so abruptly but I am trying to get my work done in a coffee shop, and of course today of all days  some people are deciding to host a trump rally "for freedom". I don't understand what's free about honking your horns and screaming at the top of your lungs in everyone's faces about what you think they should do based on your interpretation of a religion most people don't even follow. This country breeds such a specific type of entitlement in people. No, you are not out here doing the lord's work by telling people they're the same as Nazi soldiers for simply wearing a mask. I'm sorry WHAT are you even talking about. these people haven't read a single scientific article but think they know more simply because they don't "follow the norm". Then tho

We be Writing and Stuff

      Hello, welcome back. Let's just jump right in, redrafting this microtheme has proven to be quite a challenge. I knew it would be from the start though, no matter the length of the piece. It's hard to simply analyze things, as I feel as though from the beginning of my time at school, I was constantly told the importance of problem solving. The problem with that, is that we can't solve every single thing we come across. I was in quite a few classes in high school where I simply wasn't allowed to say "I don't know", but there are some instances where I genuinely don't know. That is why with this assignment it's practically the first time I am told to leave the paper open-ended. No resources, no evidence, just simply speculating. I sort of enjoy it, it being the ability to let my brain open up to multiple different reasonings. A lot of my school-work has been more so absorbing certain information rather than interpreting things and thinking for m

Drafting my Microtheme

    I find the hardest part of the paper to write is always the beginning. Staring at a completely blank screen can be very daunting, and I find myself overthinking quite a bit before I have to start a piece of writing. The issue I find is that there are an infinite amount of ways you can start a paper, right and wrong. How am I supposed to catch someone's attention right away? How do I start this stupid thing?      It's challenging, personally, to find the balance between formality and expressing myself in a piece of writing. Most written assignments (okay, all written assignments) I have produced have been because I had  to, in no way did I want to sit down and write a three page paper on who the true antagonist of ' Romeo and Juliet' was. However, I am an extreme try hard. I do not half-do things. I feel there would be no point, if I am writing something I want to have fun and I want the paper to feel like something I wrote, not just some generic stringing of words