Drafting my Microtheme


I find the hardest part of the paper to write is always the beginning. Staring at a completely blank screen can be very daunting, and I find myself overthinking quite a bit before I have to start a piece of writing. The issue I find is that there are an infinite amount of ways you can start a paper, right and wrong. How am I supposed to catch someone's attention right away? How do I start this stupid thing? 
    It's challenging, personally, to find the balance between formality and expressing myself in a piece of writing. Most written assignments (okay, all written assignments) I have produced have been because I had to, in no way did I want to sit down and write a three page paper on who the true antagonist of 'Romeo and Juliet' was. However, I am an extreme try hard. I do not half-do things. I feel there would be no point, if I am writing something I want to have fun and I want the paper to feel like something I wrote, not just some generic stringing of words that looks like a piece of software could have made it. I also want it to be something worth reading.
    By no means do I consider myself to be a good writer. I find it takes me double the time it takes most to produce the same piece of writing. I feel there is perhaps something I just don't understand yet. My brain can process numbers much easier then letters or words, which for most people it's the other way around. Maybe that is why I struggle to produce coherent pieces of work.
    This microtheme has been quite challenging, simply because we are told to write in a unique and different way. I am used to having to pad out papers just to meet a word or page requirement. In this piece, we are told to get to the important points as soon as you possibly can. Also, the paper must be left open-ended, leaving the readers to start questioning for themselves. It seems middle and high school has left me conditioned to writing in one specific format. I also struggle with staying on one narrowed thought or question. My brain likes to jump all over the place, drawing connections from other things I know or have experienced. 
    Needless to say, its a struggle. Hey, at least it's only one page of writing, am I right? I haven't gotten to write a paper that short since freshman year of high school. Really hoping for a B or above on this microtheme, that would be nice (wink wink). Now if you excuse me, I need to feed my webkinz. Be safe, wear a mask, and enjoy your labor day, peace!


  1. LOVE THIS. I think you're a great writer, Gabrielle! This platypus is everything!


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