Peace and Quiet


  I am somehow struggling with this personal essay (is that surprising at this point?) For some reason I find it hard to think of what I want to write about.

    I'm sorry to stop so abruptly but I am trying to get my work done in a coffee shop, and of course today of all days  some people are deciding to host a trump rally "for freedom". I don't understand what's free about honking your horns and screaming at the top of your lungs in everyone's faces about what you think they should do based on your interpretation of a religion most people don't even follow. This country breeds such a specific type of entitlement in people. No, you are not out here doing the lord's work by telling people they're the same as Nazi soldiers for simply wearing a mask. I'm sorry WHAT are you even talking about. these people haven't read a single scientific article but think they know more simply because they don't "follow the norm". Then those same people get upset when you go against what they think is normal. It not political, its scientific. Please stop honking your horns so loud so that I can focus PLEASE.

    I'm sorry this is just so irritating, I left my house so I could go somewhere quiet to do my work and it's even louder than if I had just stayed home. Honking the horn on your car isn't going to give you anymore privilege than you already have as a white cisgender man in modern American society Dave. I mean what are they even fighting for? The ability for them to do whatever they think is right while also having the ability to police others on what they want to do? Completely ridiculous in my opinion. 

    A part of me wishes I could be them though, you know what they say, ignorance is bliss. I wish I was able to change my viewpoint simply to make myself feel more comfortable and even victimized in society. I think I'll stick to feeling mildly uncomfortable while trying to better society regardless of the position it puts me in. I feel like if everyone just went to therapy everything would be a lot better.

    So, back to the personal essay. What the hell am I going to write about? I don't know yet! I'm hoping to spark something in me soon, my head just feels so empty whenever I try to think of my past. I think I just had a really boring childhood. I always listened and behaved and did all my homework and I never snuck out unless it was to go to taco bell. I wish I did more, I wish I rebelled more, maybe if I spent time doing what I actually wanted to do instead of doing whatever I could to make everyone else around me happy, I'd know what I would want to do with my life. Or, at least I'd have a good story.


  1. I am so sorry you had to deal with that. I live in a small town so I also have my own experiences with close minded people, especially at work :(. At the very least you can atleast know that you are protecting yourself and the others around you by wearing your mask, and that you're being responsible. Thank you for protecting others by doing your part =), when others try to break you down, try to stay strong !! ,
    From Mia (my email doesn't always show haha)


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