It's-A-me, Chris Pratt


     This week has been kind of hard for me. I don't know, life is always hard huh? When is it supposed to get easier? When I'm back in a diaper and can barely remember my own name? Yup, that's when I'll finally be free from the shackles of capitalism. 

    It has been a long time since I've had this many writing assignments at once, and it can be mildly overwhelming. It's hard to keep track of everything from this personal essay to a couple speeches I have to give. It's a lot of writing for someone who prefers math. I'm very surprised to be considered a good writer, because it feels like I'm never doing any of this right and I'm just winging it. 

    I do think that all of these writing assignments in such a short amount of time will hopefully speed up my productivity. I take forever to do writing assignments, I just want to make the piece of writing perfect. However, that is nearly impossible, so I don't know why my best isn't good enough for me. 

    I am struggling to write right now, I used all my creative juices 3 writing assignments ago today so sorry if this post is kind of short. 

    I just realized I never even said what I'm hoping to gain from this class that's important let's do that. I want to be a voice actor, I have no clue how realistic that is and frankly I don't really care because it makes me happy. I admire and look up to the people from my favorite childhood cartoons, like Spongebob (you could probably tell by the name of this blog alone). These people take words on a page a breathe life into them, making extremely memorable characters. That's what I hope to do one day with my life. Whether it be for an advertisement, video game, movie, whatever it is, I want to be creative and I want to entertain people. I hope to become a better writer to help myself out in the future, so that I don't join any dumpster fire films.

    Side note: Has anyone else seen the casting for the New Super Mario Bros movie? I do not know how to feel personally about the voice actors they chose, but I'm willing to give it a chance. I swear though if celebrity voice acting kills off the voice acting career I will be throwing hands with every famous person ever. Chris Pratt, please come through as Mario, and who the heck got Keegan-Michael Key to voice TOAD of all characters? But honestly it was a good choice, smart move nintendo.

    Alright everyone you know the drill be safe, take a nap, and wear your mask 


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