We be Writing and Stuff


 Hello, welcome back. Let's just jump right in, redrafting this microtheme has proven to be quite a challenge. I knew it would be from the start though, no matter the length of the piece. It's hard to simply analyze things, as I feel as though from the beginning of my time at school, I was constantly told the importance of problem solving. The problem with that, is that we can't solve every single thing we come across. I was in quite a few classes in high school where I simply wasn't allowed to say "I don't know", but there are some instances where I genuinely don't know. That is why with this assignment it's practically the first time I am told to leave the paper open-ended. No resources, no evidence, just simply speculating. I sort of enjoy it, it being the ability to let my brain open up to multiple different reasonings. A lot of my school-work has been more so absorbing certain information rather than interpreting things and thinking for myself. I have followed the critiques I was given to the best of my abilities, so I'm hoping for the best. 

    I'm excited to be able to analyze some movies and documentaries in this class in the
future, as I've always thought literature and film go hand in hand, so why explore both. A lot of books we read had movies, but I don't necessarily mean like that. They never seem to adapt the books right (except for maybe Holes, that was a pretty spot-on movie). I mean analyzing movies and how literature has evolved past words on a page. Movies are much more engaging personally, than with a book. I guess that might be because movies are usually adapted for a wider audience, whereas the piece of literature it's based off of is meant for a smaller demographic of people. 

I wrote more about my microtheme in my last blog post if that's what you may be looking for, I don't have much to add on that other than what I previously mentioned. I really wish this weather would stop playing games, I'm ready for fall. Sorry to drag on, I'll let you off the hook now, have a good day, wear a mask ABOVE YOUR NOSE, and have a nice day :)


  1. I love this post. Your honesty about the challenges, your reflections on classes past, your mask reminder ... so great!


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