
Showing posts from December, 2021

Final Post of the Semester!

             Whoa! we are done for the semester? that is crazy, I never thought I would go to college let alone finish an entire semester. I am so excited for Winter Break, let me sit around and do absolutely nothing for a few weeks.      I was nervous walking into this class, because I hated all my other composition classes like this before highschool and I was constantly told my writing was not very good. However, this class ended up being extremely enjoyable. I am glad to have been apart of this class and am thankful to have has such an amazing professor for this course.     I was actually able to explore my interests in this class, and write about whatever I wanted as long as it followed the correct formatting. Thank you Dr. Kyburz for being a realistic and amazing professor!     I had a love/hate relationship with this blog. Sometimes writing posts were hard to do, and sometimes I was actually sit down and talk about things personally interesting to me. I know nobody really decide

Games I Recommend for Winter Break

 I am going to use this post to talk about video games I have been playing lately so if you want suggestions or are just curious stick around :) Switch Games: Animal Crossing: New Horizons Animal Crossing is a relaxing experience based on a real-time clock mechanic. You can fish, catch bugs, and build an entire island entirely to your aesthetic. If you like simple games that you can play with others, this is for you. This is the second most popular game on switch, so if you already own a switch I am guessing you already own this game, but if you don't own a switch this is a good game to start out with, as the content never really ends. Katamari Damacy REROLL This is a remake of an older game that came out for PS2. All of the stars have fallen out of the sky, and a God creates you with the goal of having you roll things up from different planets to recreate the stars. The music is upbeat and funky and the game is frustrating but enjoyable, if you enjoy older games from the PS2 era,