Final Post of the Semester!


    Whoa! we are done for the semester? that is crazy, I never thought I would go to college let alone finish an entire semester. I am so excited for Winter Break, let me sit around and do absolutely nothing for a few weeks. 

    I was nervous walking into this class, because I hated all my other composition classes like this before highschool and I was constantly told my writing was not very good. However, this class ended up being extremely enjoyable. I am glad to have been apart of this class and am thankful to have has such an amazing professor for this course.

    I was actually able to explore my interests in this class, and write about whatever I wanted as long as it followed the correct formatting. Thank you Dr. Kyburz for being a realistic and amazing professor!

    I had a love/hate relationship with this blog. Sometimes writing posts were hard to do, and sometimes I was actually sit down and talk about things personally interesting to me. I know nobody really decided to look at this blog, but I still had fun sharing my thoughts and ideas. 

    I just want to wrap up this blog by saying thank you for being an easy grader and thank you for giving me confidence with my writing, I hope everyone has a good time with the rest of the semester! Bye bye!


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