Exploratory Essay


  I decided to to my exploratory essay on dress codes and whether or not they should be allowed. To be honest, I think dress codes are really dumb, and useless, but I was willing to change my mind if the evidence presented itself that they were actually useful.

    I couldn't find anything scientific to support dress codes, so that's just great. I have gone through all the different intensities of dress codes. In elementary throughout junior high, I was required to wear uniforms. In highschool, I could dress casual, but still had to stick to a dress code. Now in college, I can essentially wear whatever I want to class. I find that my focus never changed, No matter what the dress code was or was not I was able to get my work done regardless. 

    I just find it really funny how desperate admirations are with finding reasons for why dress codes are even still a thing, and then immediately you go to college and that all gets thrown out of the window. Why? because it is useless! Not important even a little bit! 

    I think most rules are created with the notion of making things easier for the administration, not with the idea that they actually want to improve our educations. The fact that the only detention I ever got was in highschool and it was because I did HOMEWORK instead of going to my school's PEP RALLY. Is that not the stupidest thing you could do? So you're going to force onto me all of these AP and honors classes and push how "important" it is (it's only important because it gets them more money) and then punish those same kids for needing to skip stupid ass pep rallies to make sure they get all of that work done. 

    That was the moment I knew the school systems don't give a shit about the students or the educating they are receiving. They only care about making things easier for them so they will create vague blanket rules to apply to things that would need more analysis. One kid beats up another kid so kid 2 defends themselves? Eh,  both were fighting so both must be suspended. That makes no sense. It makes sense if you don't want to take the time to talk with the students of your school and actually do some god forsaken work , and would instead rather hand out suspensions like Oprah. 

    I could probably rant about school forever, from someone who obeys every rule and completed every assignment just to be treated like a worthless piece of scum by faculty. It hurts knowing I poured so much time and energy being kind to these people that could care less about me. I really hope the higher level staff at Lake Central get their karma one day :D!


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