Assumptions Based on Your Favorite Wii Sports Game pt. 2

 Welcome back to the part 2 nobody asked for but I don't care I have more opinions to share. Again, this is done in good fun don't be mad at me lol ;D

Wii Boxing

If you like Wii boxing the most you probably end up playing by yourself because you can never find enough nunchucks for everyone to play. You also probably never shut up about how much you can bench press. The remote doesn't even have good enough motion control calibration for the game to accurately track your hits, but we all know you'll still brag about all the 'skill' it took to win, jerk. 

Wii Biking

If your favorite game is wii biking, congrats, you're thinking of Wii Sports Resort not Wii sports. So therefore, irrelevant. Moving on.

Wii Baseball

If your favorite game is wii baseball, it's because you exclusively hit home runs. Just like the tennis players, you know all the secrets and yet refuse to tell anybody. You probably own the game too so you can show off all the mii's you've created. You show no mercy to new players and will completely demolish them when given the chance. You won't even explain how to throw the ball just so you can have an advantage. How unfair. 

Wii Fencing

If your favorite is wii fencing, that's also a Wii Sport's Resort game. You're thinking of the wrong thing you silly goose. This is also irrelevant. 

I hope you enjoyed reading through this, I wanted to do something fun because I have been working all day and I'm really tired haha. Have a nice night everyone :)


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