First Post

     I guess I should start this blog off with introducing myself right? I'm not entirely sure, I've never had a blog before. Hi, I'm Gabby, I like to watch anime and play video games in my spare time. I have no clue what I want to do with my life so I guess that is why I'm here at college spending thousands on an education. 

    This has been a very long week for me, and unfortunately this is only the beginning. Unlike Dr.Kyburz, I've never been to a single party. Crazy I know, I am also not sure why I wouldn't be invited (sarcasm). I spent my entire life devoting myself to education, seeking praise from any teacher who would give me the time of day. I even graduated highschool an entire year early, almost with honors. If only I took Spanish III. I am the person kids in class would call "smart", people were desperate to group up with me for projects because they knew I would do it all and do it well (at least I hope haha). I was never one to go out and have fun, I always pushed myself harder and harder and harder and then... I snapped, like a small twig under the weight of a Grizzly Bear. I partially blame the pandemic, it added so much unnecessary stress to many students lives. 

    After I had pushed myself so hard for three straight years, I decided I had earned a break. A gap year. Yeah, that would be nice, wouldn't it? No, it was in fact not nice. I had actually decided on this gap year BEFORE the pandemic ever even hit, and the plan was to get a job, take some time for myself, and figure out what exactly I wanted to do with my life. Instead, I got agony, pain, stress.. People ignoring scientific evidence and making the safety and health of America into a political stance. I had burnt myself out and the pandemic decided to beat my exhausted body into the dirt as hard as it humanly could. 

      I am finally back in school, a part of me actually missed learning, as I do enjoy learning new things that I am interested in. However, that doesn't mean that I don't despise a lot of things about school. I am simply not built to sit for hours at a time. Even to write this single blog post I had to get up at least 3 times to pet my extremely large cat. Still, I am excited to see what what college has to offer. Hopefully this blog will help me discover what I want to do with my life. Thanks for sticking around and I apologize if this post is all over the place, my thoughts move extremely fast so it may be hard to see the connections to things. 

    I'll stop dragging on now, to be honest it has been a long time since I've written, well, anything. I like math, numbers make sense. Words do not make sense to me, if I stare at a word for too long it stops making sense. It becomes a jumble of lines and loops, a blur of text that means absolutely nothing to my brain. Hopefully with this class I can learn how to polish my writing to make it more concise. One thing I know I am capable of is trying, so as long as I can try my best, I hope I'll be able to produce satisfying pieces of writing. I hope I did this correctly. 

Be safe, take a nap, and wear a mask 

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    1. Heyy Gabby, nice to meet you! Let me just start off by saying, congratulation's on graduating a whole year early! I've to had the hardest time deciding what I want to do with my life as well, its actually crazy that the next four or years roughly will determine who and what we will do for the rest of our lives. Coming back to school is going to help me as well online school was not for me, I found myself laying in bed while joining class and falling asleep not even half way through. I enjoyed reading about you and this past year, I hope you get the chance to o to a party SOON and enjoy it!!


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