
Showing posts from August, 2021

First Post

     I guess I should start this blog off with introducing myself right? I'm not entirely sure, I've never had a blog before. Hi, I'm Gabby, I like to watch anime and play video games in my spare time. I have no clue what I want to do with my life so I guess that is why I'm here at college spending thousands on an education.      This has been a very long week for me, and unfortunately this is only the beginning. Unlike Dr.Kyburz, I've never been to a single party. Crazy I know, I am also not sure why I wouldn't be invited (sarcasm). I spent my entire life devoting myself to education, seeking praise from any teacher who would give me the time of day. I even graduated highschool an entire year early, almost with honors. If only I took Spanish III. I am the person kids in class would call "smart", people were desperate to group up with me for projects because they knew I would do it all and do it well (at least I hope haha). I was never one to go out an